Category: Social Marketing

  • Navigating the World of Social Media Advertising for Digital Marketers

    Navigating the World of Social Media Advertising for Digital Marketers

    Share Tweet Share Share Email In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, social media advertising has emerged as a dynamic and influential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience. This article aims to explore the intricacies of navigating the world of social media advertising, providing digital marketers with insights and strategies to harness…

  • 5 Ways to Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

    5 Ways to Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing

    5 Ways to Harness the Power of Word-of-Mouth Marketing – Multi-Housing News of your html page when using the responsive table generator code on sites not in UNLcms or the framework –>:root {–bg-table-stripe: #f6f6f5;–b-table: #e3e3e2;–caption: #242423;}table {background-color: transparent;border-collapse:collapse;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif}th {text-align:left}.dcf-txt-center {text-align: center!important}.dcf-txt-left {text-align: left!important}.dcf-txt-right {text-align: right!important}.dcf-table caption {color: var(–caption);font-size: 1.13em;font-weight: 700;padding-bottom: .56rem}.dcf-table…

  • How TikTok Took The Pink Stuff, a Cleaning Paste, From Obscurity to Viral Sensation

    How TikTok Took The Pink Stuff, a Cleaning Paste, From Obscurity to Viral Sensation

    In 2018, The Pink Stuff was little more than a home cleaning product with a cute name. “The miracle cleaning paste,” as it said on every container, was sold by just two retail chains in Britain. At a factory near Birmingham, The Pink Stuff line operated for about two hours every month. That was plenty.…

  • Digital Marketing Redefined for Restaurants and Retail: The Rulrr & Square POS Integration

    Digital Marketing Redefined for Restaurants and Retail: The Rulrr & Square POS Integration

    United States – February 12, 2024 — In today’s competitive landscape, local businesses, particularly in the restaurant and retail sectors, are constantly on the lookout for innovative strategies to enhance their online presence and connect with their target customers. Rulrr emerges as a pivotal solution, offering a digital marketing platform that transforms hyperlocal marketing into…

  • Trendjacking in social media is fun, but be cautious

    Trendjacking in social media is fun, but be cautious

    ` code, a, #search .close, .button-link, .pk-share-buttons-total .pk-share-buttons-label, .pk-share-buttons-total .pk-share-buttons-title, .pk-social-links-wrap .pk-social-links-count, .pk-nav-tabs .pk-nav-link, .pk-nav-tabs, .pk-tabs .pk-nav-pills .pk-nav-link, .pk-block-social-links .pk-social-links-link, .pk-block-social-links .pk-social-links-title, .pk-social-links-scheme-light .pk-social-links-link, .pk-social-links-scheme-light .pk-social-links-title, .pk-social-links-scheme-bold .pk-social-links-title, .pk-social-links-scheme-bold-rounded .pk-social-links-title, .pk-share-buttons-scheme-default .pk-share-buttons-link, .pk-share-buttons-link:not(:hover), .pk-share-buttons-link:not(:hover), .pk-toc ol > li:before, > li:before,, .pk-card-header a, .pk-twitter-info a, .pk-instagram-username a, .pk-social-links-template-default .pk-social-links-link, .pk-widget-contributors .pk-social-links-link,…