What a Hair Dryer Taught Me About Marketing Innovation

The Gist

  • Innovative marketing strategies. Embracing marketing innovation helps businesses save time and streamline workflows by adopting modern, efficient approaches.
  • Breaking old habits. Relying on outdated methods hinders progress. Embracing new technologies in marketing leads to improved efficiency and stronger results.
  • Efficiency and growth. By adopting new marketing tools and strategies, businesses can free up resources for higher-level tasks and accelerate overall growth.

For busy executives, time is a critical asset.

Last year I was gifted a Dyson Air Wrap. In case you don’t know what that is, it’s a device that combines multiple styling tools into one and significantly reduces the time needed to do your hair. Even if you don’t have hair, don’t stop reading — I promise this story will lead to a much bigger point.

Like many people, I was initially intimidated by the tool. It was so different from anything I had ever tried, and using it felt awkward. I thought to myself, “If you need to watch a video to use a hair dryer… what’s the point?” and, “What do engineers know about beauty routines, anyway?” The person who gave it to me kept checking in, asking if I had tried it yet. They were sure I would love it. So, I finally watched the tutorial videos and thought, “Why not give it a try?”

And guess what? I fell in love.

This isn’t a commercial for Dyson, but a reminder that our predispositions often keep us from being open to all the possibilities. Just like I underestimated the value of new technology in my routine, many businesses overlook the importance of embracing marketing innovation in their strategies.

I was wrong, plain and simple. I needed the tutorial because it was a completely different approach to a daily task. And those engineers — while they may not know beauty — know how to drive efficiency and effectiveness. Drying and styling your hair can take up to 30 minutes a day. The Dyson Air Wrap cut that time down to 10 minutes. Pre-new technology, I was spending about 7,800 minutes a year just doing my hair. Now? I got back 87 hours of my life each year! And I almost missed out on that because I was too stuck in my old ways.

Embracing Marketing Innovation to Drive Change

The same reluctance to change happens all the time in business. Marketing strategies that worked five years ago may no longer be effective today, but there’s a certain comfort in doing what you know. The digital landscape evolves rapidly, and businesses often fall into the trap of sticking to outdated routines. It’s easy to resist trying new methods, especially when they seem unfamiliar or uncomfortable. But as my Dyson experience taught me, embracing change can lead to significant time and resource savings.

When was the last time you shut something down because it was too different or uncomfortable? We are awakening from the summer lull, and now is the perfect time to take a new approach to the daily routine. Is there a better way? What’s holding you back from exploring new marketing channels or strategies? Are you engaging with people outside your inner circle who might have a fresh perspective — even if it feels a bit uncomfortable?

We all fall into routines, especially in business. But in today’s fast-moving marketplace, sticking to the same-old strategies can leave you behind. Maybe you’re still relying heavily on traditional advertising, even though digital platforms offer far more measurable results. Or perhaps you’re avoiding automation in your marketing workflows because it feels too impersonal, even though it could free up your team for higher-level tasks. In marketing, staying in your comfort zone can lead to wasted time, effort and missed opportunities — just like spending hours drying your hair when a better solution exists.

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Embracing Innovative Strategies Amidst Change

This reminds me of a time when I was working for a warehouse automation company. Upon joining, much of the marketing activity centered around in-person events. They had great technology and relied on large events to be able to demonstrate these large pieces of equipment. But when the COVID pandemic began and business travel came to a screeching halt, being reliant on demonstrating your products in a live environment was not a good place to be.

My solution was to bring the equipment to them. Everyone was using Zoom, Teams or some similar platform. Those became boring quickly. What if instead we took cameras and put them inside and outside of the equipment so that we could show people the machines working live?

I received a lot of pushback like, “That’s just not how we do things.” After months of realizing the world would take a long time to recover, the owners finally said yes.

Honestly, it started small. Our attendance grew though over time as people began seeing the value — and by people, I mean everyone including our internal sales team, our partner sales teams and the end users. When we reflected on the first year using this technology, we noted that it didn’t become our number one source of lead gen, but it was our number one tool for pipe acceleration. I’m glad we were willing to give it a try.

I understand that change can be intimidating, especially when you’ve been doing things a certain way for a long time. But just like I eventually realized the value of my Dyson and the owners realized the value of virtual live demos, many businesses come to see that embracing marketing innovation and strategies can unleash hidden potential.

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Embracing Marketing Innovation to Regain Time and Fuel Growth

Let’s go back to my hair dryer story for a second. Before I made the switch, I spent 30 minutes every day drying and styling my hair. Over a year, that added up to over 87 hours. Now, imagine your business is doing the equivalent — wasting time and energy on outdated marketing efforts. What if you could cut that time in half or eliminate it altogether, freeing up resources for more strategic growth initiatives?

Change doesn’t have to be scary. It can be a catalyst for growth. By stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing marketing innovation, your business can realize new levels of success and efficiency. Think of it as your own Dyson moment: What if the right marketing strategy could give you back hours of time while delivering better results?

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At the end of the day, my Dyson Air Wrap wasn’t just a beauty tool. It was a reminder that sometimes the most efficient and effective solutions come from stepping outside of our comfort zone. In business, those moments of discomfort often lead to breakthrough results.

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